Amsterdam-based film director blending stylized imagery and humor in commercial and fiction projects.

Represented by:
  1. 🇬🇧 Form in UK 
  2. 🇳🇱 Sticky Stuff in NL 

Currently working on:
  1. 👖 Spijkerbroekelite / Denim Dynasty (Director and Screenwriter, Short Fiction, Filmfonds Short)
  2. 🧑‍🏫 Lecturer & Coach at AMFI (Minor Visual Culture) 

Selections & Nominations

A Death in the Family  Fashion Film

Media is a dominant force that can shape minds and perception, and as media becomes more intertwined in our everyday lives, it influences our thinking. What does a future look like when the way we consume media becomes more personal by the minute? ‘A Death in the Family’ is a dystopian trend forecast to show people the dangers of a possible future where hyper- personalisation is the status quo.